Visma Net
About VAT report release
Once you prepare the VAT report in the Prepare VAT report (TX501000) window, the Process VAT report (TX502000) window automatically opens.
In the Process VAT report (TX502000) window, you
can release the VAT report for the selected branch, reporting period, and tax agency by
When the report is released,
the system closes the selected reporting period.
Depending on the settings in your system,
it can also generate a purchase invoice with the VAT amount to be paid to the selected tax agency,
as described below.

You can set up the system to generate a purchase invoice once the VAT report is released.
The purchase invoice will contain the total VAT amount that you must pay to the tax agency for the selected
reporting period according to the released VAT report.
After the VAT report is released, the
corresponding purchase invoice appears in the table on the Supplier documents
tab in the Process VAT report (TX502000) window.
To set up the system to generate a purchase invoice while releasing a VAT report, in the Reporting settings (TX205100) window, you need to configure a reporting line that
accumulates appropriate VAT amount, and select the Net VAT check box for
that line.
Only if this check box is selected, the system will generate purchase invoices when a VAT
report is released.
If you prepare and release a VAT report for a closed reporting period (that is, for a period
for which the VAT report has been already released, the system will generate another purchase invoice
according to this revision of the VAT report.
This purchase invoice will be listed on the
Supplier documents tab in this window (in addition to the purchase invoice generated by the
previous release). Each purchase invoice will contain an amount of a particular VAT report