Purchase receipt summary (PO620500) report

This topic gives you information about the elements that you find in this window in Visma.net ERP, such as fields, field values, buttons, and check boxes.

This report displays the summary information about the purchase receipts.

The information is detailed up to the total quantity, lines total, and VAT total for each purchase receipt included in the report.
The report includes total values (for all purchase receipts in the report) on received quantities, lines totals, and VAT total.
The records in the reports are grouped by the currency used in the purchase receipt documents, and totals are calculated in each currency used.

Report parameters

On the Report parameters tab, use the following parameters to select the information to be displayed on the report:

Element Description
Start date

The start date of the report date range.

End date

The end date of the report date range.
Only receipts having dates within the specified interval will be included in the report.

Supplier no.

The supplier for which you want to view purchase receipt information, by its number.
Specify a supplier or leave the field blank to view data for all suppliers.

Parent topic:
Purchase reports - overview