Purchase order (PO641000) report

This topic gives you information about the elements that you find in this window in Visma.net ERP, such as fields, field values, buttons, and check boxes.

By using this report, you can look through, print, and email the purchase orders created in the Purchases workspace.
You can select a certain type of purchase order you want to view, or select an order number to view a particular purchase order.

The selected purchase orders are displayed as they will be printed.
Report lines that have the same item ID, line description, unit of measure, and unit price are aggregated.
If multiple purchase orders are selected for the report, each order is displayed on a separate page.

Report parameters

On the Report parameters tab, use the following parameters to select the information to be displayed on the report:

Element Description
Order type

The type of purchase orders you want to view in the report.

You can select one of the types (Normal, Drop-ship, Blanket, or Default) to limit the purchase orders to only those of the selected type.

The Blanket option is only available if the Blanket and standard purchase orders functionality is enabled in your system.
Order no.

The number of the order to be displayed.

Select an order number to display only this order, or leave the field blank if you want to view all purchase orders of the selected type.

Parent topic:
Purchase reports - overview