Visma Net
Manage mailings - overview
Efficient processing of electronic documents can help organisations reduce costs and optimise
investments, so they can stay competitive in today's dynamically changing economy.
In Visma Net,
for each customer, you can specify how your organisation sends documents to the business:
electronically or through postal mail (on paper).
For businesses that want to receive electronic
documents, you can easily set up the sending of documents by email, such as invoices and
customer statements.
You can configure the system to simultaneously send emails to employees who
oversee operations with particular customers.
You can send the customer any of the following types of correspondence:
You can use customer ledger reports to send invoices, notes,
statements, and dunning letters by using the Send action in a report
For a Visma Net
report, you can control the look and feel in addition to the reporting functions.
You can use
the default look and feel of the report or customise the report by using the Report
You can provide settings specifying who will receive the report-based email and which
format should be used, as well as possibly a specific template to be used as the email body
(for email personalisation).
You can send an email regarding a specific invoice by using the
Send email action jn the window that displays the document.
These emails
will be listed under the Activity menu in the window title bar.
For each customer, you can configure a number of mailings.
The mailing body
is based on a notification template that may contain placeholders and can be modified easily.
You can assign a report that will generate a document to be sent as a mailing attachment.
customer's mailing settings are used for mass processing documents and for emailing a
particular invoice.
Template-based emails can be used, for example, to notify customer
contacts about expiration of their credit cards.
When the system generates such emails for
multiple customers, it replaces placeholders with the particular customer's information, such
as card type, partial card number, and expiration date.
For details on mailings, see: About mailings for customers.
By default, the actual sending of the emails is not performed right away.
Emails sent by all
the mentioned ways are gathered in a queue in the Pending emails (SM507000) window, from
which they can be sent.
This topic will help you to configure and use mailings. It describes the mailing types, the workflow, and the most common tasks you will perform.