Process one payment

  1. Go to the Supplier payments (AP302000) window.
  2. In the Type drop-down list, select Payment.
  3. In the Date field, select the date of the payment.
  4. In the Supplier field, select a supplier.

  5. In the Payment method field, select a payment method that you have created for manual payments.
  6. In the Cash account field, select a cash account.
  7. Optional: In the Description field, enter a description.
    This field is not mandatory, but the payment will be easier to locate if you have your own description for it.
  8. Optional: In the Payment ref. field, enter a reference if you are prompted to and if the field is not filled in automatically.
  9. In the Payment amount field, enter the paid amount.
  10. In the Financial period field, select a financial period.
  11. On the Documents to apply tab, click .

  12. In the Document type column, add the document type related to this payment.
  13. Select Voucher no..
  14. Optional: If you need to add more documents to this payment, click and repeat steps 10 - 12.
  15. Click .
  16. Click Release.

Both the payment and the purchase invoice are now in status Closed. You can find the batch number and other information on the Application history tab.