About non-stock item support

Non-stock items may be "products" that consist of no physical entity and thus cannot be stocked in warehouses (as with labour, services, or charges) or physical entities for which you do not need to track quantities in a warehouse because very small quantities are required.

Many stores sell items that can’t be found on their shelves, such as product warranties, or services such as product assembly, installation, or customisation. Some items are obviously non-stock, such as labour rates and services, but the decision about whether to consider other items (such as gift-wrapping) stock or non-stock depends on the company's inventory policies and other conditions.

In the system, non-stock items are handled differently from stock items kept in warehouses. For stock items, the Inventory workspace maintains all cost, quantity, sales, and cost-of-goods-sold information. Since non-stock items do not require tracking of quantities, the Inventory workspace maintains only standard costs and base price information for them.

You can use non-stock items in

  • Supplier ledger
  • Customer ledger
  • Project

even if the Logistics functionality is not enabled in your system.

However, you will not be able to define the item classes nor the posting classes for them, and it will not be possible to update their prices and costs in bulk.