Show/edit/end active collaborations

Under Settings - Collaborations in Visma Advisor you can change tasks, variants, contract period, change invoice recipient or end a collaboration for a customer. You can tailor your search with ease by choosing filters specific to Task, Collaboration, Task owner or Account manager or by applying a mixed selection.

All employees have access to the collaboration page and can see and filter the customers. All employees can change the assigned task for a customer, but only those with Full user rights in Visma Advisor and an Administrator role in Mina tjänster can edit variants, contract period, change invoice recipient, or end a collaboration for a customer.
  1. Go to Settings - Collaborations.

  1. Select the customer you wish to edit.

By expanding a customer, you get an overview of the active collaborations you have with the customer.

Related topics

Getting started with collaborations in Visma Advisor
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Search words: Change invoice recipient, change variant, switch variant, upgrade client, end collaboration, change collaboration, switch collaboration