Activate integration with Visma Lön Smart

It is possible to use Visma Lön Smart for own use for your accounting office. You integrate Visma Lön Smart with the time registrations entered in Visma Advisor and when integrated, the registrations can be imported to Visma Lön Smart.

Who do I contact to get access to Visma Lön Smart for own use

The program is included in the license for Visma Advisor, you only pay per transaction for sending the payslip via Min Lön or using Visma Lön Anställd. Contact our accounting office's sales department by calling 0470-70 61 60 to activate the program. They can help you with more information and how to get started.

Preparations in Visma Advisor

When the activation of Visma Lön Smart is done, the administrator in Visma Advisor can activate the integration with Visma Lön Smart and enter the settings for the employees.

  1. Go to Settings - Agency settings and the tab Others settings and mark the option button Yes under Activate integration with Visma Lön Smart.

Now the time code numbers, time activity names and time activity shortcuts will be displayed with a set of default options. Here you can add new activities and delete the ones you wish to remove.

  1. Go to Settings - Employees and check that all employees have an employee number entered in the tab Basic information under Settings in Visma Advisor. It is very important that you use the same employee number both in Visma Advisor and in Visma Lön Smart.
  2. Check that the employee have the correct setting under the tab User rights under Times and outlays. Read more in Set user rights for employees.

Preparations in Visma Lön Smart

Before running Visma Lön Smart, note that:

If you have used another payroll program you cannot transfer your employees' information automatically, but you can easily add input values in Visma Lön Smart. Watch the movie (in Swedish) Ingångsvärden i Visma Lön Smart I hjälpen för Visma Lön Smart kan du läsa mer om hur du kommer i gång i avsnittet Kom igång eller se filmen Registrera anställd i Visma Lön Smart.

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Time registrations in Visma Advisor with Visma Lön Smart integration
Time registration
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