Add accounting template for purchase invoice

When you add a new accounting template and select Purchase invoice as Scope of use, the template can be used directly on the purchase invoice or you can choose to save it on the supplier in the supplier register. If there is an existing accounting template saved on the supplier it will be preselected when you create a new purchase invoice. If the supplier does not use a template and you select a template when creating the invoice, it will be saved automatically on the supplier.

It is also possible to choose another accounting template on the purchase invoice than the preselected. If you do that, the program will ask if you want to use this template only on this invoice without updating the supplier, or if you want to update the supplier with the new template.

  1. Go to Settings - Accounting templates.
  2. Select New accounting template.
  3. Add Name, Journal series, and Description.
  4. In the Scope of use field, select Purchase invoice.
  5. Add the accounts you would like to include in your template.

  6. In the Formula fields, it is possible to build your own formulas by using the formula buttons above.

In the Field explanations below, you can read more about how to use the formulas including two examples.

  1. Select Save.

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