Price recalculation

The recalculation tool in Visma eEkonomi Pro is a three-step wizard where you first select your articles and then you set up the recalculation setting. As a last step you preview the result before you complete the wizard and update the prices.

  1. Go to Settings - Sales price lists.
  2. Select the price list that you want to do a price recalculation on.
  3. Select Actions - Price recalculation.
  4. Use the check boxes to select which articles you want to include in the price recalculation.
  5. Select Next.
  6. Make your choices in the Recalculation settings step.
  7. Select Next.
  8. In the Preview result step, check that everything looks fine.
  9. Select Complete when you are done.

If you have customers that are included on recurring invoice templates, you will get a question whether you want to update the recurring invoices or not with the new prices.

Related topics

Create sales price list
Sales price lists