Correcting deviation related to incorrect sales category

When you added articles to you article register, you specified what sales category they should have. The sales category tells the program how sales of the article should be posted, with information such as which VAT code should be used.

If you have chosen the wrong sales category for the article or used a sales category with incorrect settings, the VAT report will be incorrect.

  1. Select Sales - Sales invoices.
  2. Select the invoice that has the incorrect sales category.
  3. Select Actions - Credit.
  4. Do one of the following when you are finished with the invoice:
Post to ledger and send by email The invoice is automatically sent to the email address specified for the customer in the customer register. The invoice is saved under Unpaid sales invoices.
Post to ledger and create PDF The invoice is saved as a PDF and can be printed out.
Save draft The invoice is not posted and is saved under Drafts.
  1. Under Sales - Sales invoices, you manage all of your sales invoices.
  2. Select the invoice you credited.
  3. Select Actions - Offset.
  4. Select the invoice that should be offset.
  5. Select Post to ledger.
  6. Select Sales - Articles
  7. Select the article that contains the incorrect sales category.
  8. Select Edit.
  9. Change the sales category for the article.
  10. Create a new invoice.

If the VAT rate is affected, a new invoice correcting any differences should also be sent to the customer.

  1. Create a new VAT report for the current period when you have made all the necessary corrections.

Related topics

Create manual journal entry
VAT report deviations
Sales VAT and ledger settings