
Performing a stocktaking of your stock articles will help you verify that you have correct numbers of articles registered and thus also the correct stock value. You can perform stocktakings as often as you like, but at a minimum you should do one for the last day of the financial year before the year-end closing.

You can perform a stocktaking for all of your articles or part of them. If you only want a certain selection of articles to be included in the stocktaking you can create filters by combining different options.

Updating the stock value

When completing the stocktaking inbound and outbound deliveries will be created, provided that the verified number for any article has been changed. When the inbound and outbound deliveries are posted to the ledger the stock value is updated in the accounting.

The program keeps track of the purchase prices and freight costs of the articles in stock and calculates the stock value accordingly to the FIFO principle (First In First Out). This means that when an outbound delivery is made, the items that were first delivered into stock, and thus have been in stock the longest, will be the ones taken out first. The stock value for the inbound deliveries will be calculated using the current purchase price and freight cost of respective article.

Related topics

Create stocktaking
Make an inbound delivery
Make an outbound delivery
Post stock adjustments to the ledger