Visma Net
Sales invoices (AR301000)
This topic gives you information about the elements that you find in this window in Visma Net, such as fields, field values, buttons, and check boxes.
You can use this window to create, view, and modify customer ledger invoices, notes, and
other documents.
For more information, see: Process invoices - overview.
If you are in the list window, the first line in the table is a search line. Each column has a search field which you can click to search for or filter on specific values and narrow down the displayed table rows. You can search and filter in as many columns as you need to, to only display the results you want to view.
There are two types of search fields:
- White: here you can type a specific search term to display results in this column containing this exact value. If you search on several (partial) words, you can separate them by a space or % and get different results:
space: the result contains the words in any order,
%: the result contains the words in the specific order, and the % functions as a wildcard as well.
- Grey: you can click this to open the column filter pop-up window where you can filter the results for this column.
- Create an invoice
- Change customer or customer location on sales invoice
- Create and release an invoice
- Correct a released sales invoice
- Reverse an invoice with ROT or RUT
- Pay a specific outstanding document
- Poll the invoice status
- Preview an invoice
- Email an invoice from preview in a report
- Email an invoice or a credit note
- Print an invoice
- Send an invoice
- Email an invoice to an unregistered contact
- Override an email address
- Create a credit note
- Correct a sales invoice
- Check sent email status
- Check sent email status for AutoInvoice
Button | Description |
Release | Releases the document. |
Actions |
Provides the following menu commands, which you can click to invoke actions:
Inquiries | Provides the following menu commands, which you can click for quick access to inquiry
Reports |
Provides the following menu commands, which you click for fast access to the following reports:
You use this dialog box to specify the options for updating prices and discounts for the invoice.
Column | Description |
Recalculate | The way prices and discounts are calculated. You can select one of the following
Set current unit prices | A check box that indicates (if selected) that the system must update the item prices with the current prices. |
Override manual prices |
A check box that indicates (if selected) that the system must update the prices that have been modified manually (in the Unit price or Manual amount columns) with the current prices. The check box is available for selection if
the Set current unit prices check box is
selected. After the manual prices are overridden in the document, the system clears the Manual price check boxes in the appropriate document lines. |
Recalculate discounts |
A check box that indicates (if selected) that the system must recalculate the
discounts for the current line or for the selected lines. This check box is available only if the Customer and supplier discounts functionality is enabled in the Enable/disable functionalities (CS100000) window. |
Override manual line discounts |
A check box that indicates (if selected) that the system should cancel the manual discounts for the current line or all lines (depending on the option selected in the Recalculate field) and search for applicable automatic discounts. This check box is only available if the Customer and supplier discounts functionality is enabled in the Enable/disable functionalities (CS100000) window. |
OK (button) | Closes the dialog box and applies the selected options. |
Here you can create a new document or select an existing customer ledger document
for modification.
The following table summarises the elements of this area.
Element | Description |
Type | The document type. The following types are available:
Invoice no. |
The invoice number of the customer ledger document in the system; for a new document, the <NEW> string is displayed, indicating that a new number will be generated. |
Status | The status of the document, which can be one of the following:
Hold |
A check box that indicates (if selected) that the document is a draft. A document with the On hold status may be edited and cannot be released. |
Date |
The date when the customer ledger document was created. By default, for a new document, it is the current business date, but you can change the date. |
Post period |
The period to which the document should be posted. By default, it is the current
period, but you can change the period. |
Customer order |
The original reference number or ID assigned by the customer to the customer document (for informational purposes). |
External ref. |
The external reference used in AutoInvoice. |
Project |
The project with which this document is associated, or the code indicating that this document is not associated with any project; the non-project code is specified in the Project accounting preferences (PM101000) window. This field appears if the Customer ledger workspace has been integrated with the Projects module. |
Invoice text |
Any user-provided description of the customer ledger document. |
Customer |
The customer associated with the document. When the Parent-child customer relationship functionality is enabled in Enable/disable functionalities (CS100000) and a child customer is selected in the child field first, the corresponding parent account is automatically populated in this field. |
Child | This field is only displayed when the functionality Paren-child customer relationship is enabled in Enable/disable functionalities (CS100000) |
Consolidate Invoices |
When this check box is selected, invoices for the current child customer will be sent to the parent account. This overrides the information and settings in the Invoice address and Invoice contact sections. The following invoice information is retrieved from the parent when this check box is selected:
This element is disabled if the displayed account is a parent account. |
Location |
The location of the customer related to the document. By default, it is the default location of the selected customer. |
Contact |
The contact associated with the customer. |
Currency |
The currency of the document. By default, it is the customer's default currency, but it can be changed if the Enable currency override check box is selected in the Customers (AR303000) window. |
Exchange rate |
The amount corresponding to the Currency field, and the name of the field is only visible if you hover over the field. By clicking the field, the Rate selection dialog box opens. See description below. |
When you click View base the following happens:
Click View currency again to return to the original view. |
Terms |
The payment terms used in relations with the customer. |
Due date |
The date when payment for the document is due, in accordance with the payment terms. |
Cash discount date |
The end date of the cash discount period, which the system calculates by using the payment terms. |
Detail total |
The document total, which the system calculates for all line items in the Document details tab. |
Discount total |
The discount total calculated for the document. This total includes
discounts of the Group and Document levels. This field is only available if the Customer and supplier discounts functionality is enabled in the Enable/disable functionalities (CS100000) window. |
VAT taxable total |
The document total that is subjected to VAT. The VAT taxable amount is displayed in
this field only if the Include in VAT taxable
total check box is selected for the applicable
VAT in the VAT (TX205000) window.
This field is only available if the VAT reporting functionality is enabled in the Enable/disable functionalities (CS100000) window. If the document contains multiple transactions with different
taxes applied and each of the applied taxes has this check box
selected, the taxable amount calculated for each line of the
document will be added to the VAT taxable
total field of the document.
VAT exempt total |
The document total that is exempt from VAT. This total is calculated as the taxable
amount for the VAT with the Include in VAT exempt
total check box selected in the VAT (TX205000) window. |
VAT total
The VAT amount of the document, as defined on the VAT details tab. |
Balance | For an open customer ledger document, the balance after any cash discount was
taken. For a document used in the application process, this is the balance after the payments were applied. |
Rounding diff. |
The difference between the original amount and the rounded amount. The field only appears if the Invoice rounding functionality is activated. For details, see: Set up document amount rounding. |
Amount |
The amount paid by the document. The field appears for new documents if the
Validate document totals on entry
check box is selected in the Customer ledger preferences (AR101000) window. |
Cash discount |
The cash discount amount that has been or will be taken on the document, which the system
calculates based on the specified payment terms. If a document has the On hold or Balanced status, you can change the amount of the calculated cash discount. If you change the cash discount amount, the system recalculates the taxable and tax amounts of the document if the applied taxes have Calculate on set to Calc. on item amount or Calc. on document amount and Cash discount set to Reduces taxable amount in the VAT (TX205000) window. Changes you make to the cash discount amount do not affect the taxable and VAT amounts of the document if the applied taxes have Calculate on set to Extract from item amount and Cash discount set to Reduces taxable amount in the VAT (TX205000) window. |
ROT or RUT deductible document |
Select this check box if the amount on this document is applicable for ROT or RUT deduction. The ROT and RUT details tab will appear and the columns RUT or ROT deductible, Item type, Type of work and Deductible amount will be displayed in the Document details tab table. |
Element | Description |
Currency rate type ID |
The currency rate type specified for the selected currency pair. By default, it is the customer's default currency rate type, but it can be changed if the Enable rate override check box is selected in the Customers (AR303000) window. |
Effective date |
The date on which the currency rate in this row becomes effective. |
Currency unit equivalents |
View the currency conversion. It's possible to change the currency rate for an individual invoice here without changing the currency rate type, but the currency rate will restore back to original if this invoice is corrected. Therefore, it's recommended to create a new currency rate instead, which can then be applied to the individual invoice (See also: Add a currency rate).
OK (button) |
Closes the dialog box. |
On this tab, you can specify the line details for a new customer ledger document (invoice or note) or view the details of the document selected in the upper area of the window.
Button | Description |
View schedule | Navigates to the Deferral schedule (DR201500) window and displays the details of the schedule for the selected line of the document (if any different deferral codes were assigned to different lines of the document in the Deferral code column). |
Element | Description |
Branch | The branch that sells the item or provides the service. |
Item ID |
The item ID of the line item, if applicable. |
Transaction descr. |
Any comments relevant to the transaction. The alphanumeric string may contain up to 30 characters. |
Quantity |
The quantity of this item sold to the customer, expressed in the unit of measure specified in the UoM column. |
UoM |
The unit of measure (UoM) for the item. |
Unit price |
The unit price set for the item or service. If you want to
update the unit price automatically to the current value (that is,
the applicable sales or default price), you can use the
Recalculate prices action.
Manual amount |
The manual amount, which is either the unit price multiplied by the quantity or a manually entered amount that may not be equal to the product of the unit price and the quantity. If you want to update the manual amount automatically to the current value (that is, the applicable sales or default price multiplied by the item quantity), you can use the Recalculate prices action. If you have modified the manual amount once and saved the document, the value will not be updated by the system if you change the document date. |
Discount percent |
The percent of the line-level discount that has been applied manually or automatically. The system selects the Manual discount check box and calculates the discount amount after you have entered the percent manually and saved your changes or added a new line. |
Discount amount |
The amount of the line-level discount that has been applied manually or automatically to this line. The system selects the Manual discount check box and calculates the line amount after you have entered the discount amount manually and save your changes or added a new line. |
Amount |
The amount after the discount has been applied. The value of this read-only field is calculated automatically by deducting the discount amount from the manual amount. |
Manual discount |
A check box that indicates (if selected) that the discount has been applied manually. If you clear the check box, the system clears entered discount percent, or discount amount, or selected discount code. This column is only available if the Customer and supplier discounts functionality is enabled in the Enable/disable functionalities (CS100000) window. |
Discount code |
The code of the line discount that has been applied to this line automatically or manually. This column is only available if the Customer and supplier discounts functionality is enabled in the Enable/disable functionalities (CS100000) window. |
Account |
The sales account used for the transaction. See also: About suggested sales accounts. |
Description | The description of the account. |
Subaccount | The corresponding subaccount used to record this sale transaction. |
Project task |
The particular task of the project with which this document line is associated. This column appears if the integration of the Projects module
with Customer ledger has been enabled. |
Salesperson ID |
The ID of the applicable salesperson. |
Original deferral schedule |
A read-only column filled in by the system in the document created as a result of reversing an invoice, credit note, or debit note. The column shows the ID of the deferral schedule associated with the reversed document.
If a
credit note document is created manually, then
you can select a deferral schedule to be
reversed. In the reversed documents, this column remains empty.
Deferral code |
The deferral code assigned to the stock item or non-stock item specified in this document line. Upon release of the document, the system generates a deferral schedule (or schedules) based on the settings defined in this deferral code. You can change the deferral code in this field manually if needed. If you change an MDA deferral code (the deferral
code that indicates that an item is a package) to any
non-MDA deferral code, the system will consider the item to
not be a package and will ignore its components while
generating a deferral schedule.
That is, the system will generate the deferral schedule for the item based on the settings of the specified non-MDA deferral code. Note: Only active deferral codes are shown in the lookup. If you manually enter an inactive code, you will get an error message that the code is inactive. |
Term start date |
The date when the process of deferred revenue recognition should start for the selected item; this date can be specified manually if the deferral code assigned to the item is based on the Flexible by periods, prorate by days or Flexible by days in period recognition method. This column only appears if the Deferred revenue management functionality is enabled in the Enable/disable functionalities (CS100000) window. |
Term end date |
The date when the process of the deferred revenue recognition should finish for the selected item; this date can be specified manually if the deferral code assigned to the item is based on the Flexible by periods, prorate by days or Flexible by days in period recognition method. This column only appears if the Deferred revenue management functionality is enabled in the Enable/disable functionalities (CS100000) window. |
VAT category |
The VAT category (if applied) for the transaction. See also: About suggested VAT categories. |
Commissionable |
A check box that indicates (if selected) that commission is paid on the line item amount. The column is available if the Commissions functionality is enabled in the Enable/disable functionalities (CS100000) window. |
RUT or ROT deductible |
A check box that indicates (if selected) that the line item is ROT or RUT deductible, according to its settings in the Non-stock items (IN202000) window. This only applies to non-stock items. |
Item type |
The Item type applies to a ROT or RUT deductible document. You can edit this column.
Type of work |
The type of work the line item is related to, according to the item's settings in the Non-stock items (IN202000) or Stock items (IN202500) window. You can edit this column. |
Deductible amount | Read-only column. The amount your client can deduct for the line item, if the item is ROT or RUT deductible. |
Start date |
Sets the start date for the invoice period that the item is invoiced for. You can manually set this value for invoices created in the Customer ledger workspace. You can set it per invoice line and/or it can be retrieved from the corresponding field in the Invoice period settings section on the Financial details tab. The Start date field is set in the e-invoice if the invoice is sent in the PEPPOL format. |
End date |
Sets the end date for the invoice period that the item is invoiced for. You can manually set this value for invoices created in the Customer ledger workspace. You can set it per invoice line and/or it can be retrieved from the corresponding field in the Invoice period settings section on the Financial details tab. The End date field is set in the e-invoice if the invoice is sent in the PEPPOL format. |
Order no. |
The order number retrieved from the accordant order, if applicable. |
Shipment no. |
The shipment number retrieved from the accordant confirmed shipment, if applicable. |
Order type |
The order type retrieved from the accordant order, if applicable. |
Base qty |
The quantity of the item sold to the customer, expressed in the base unit of measure. This quantity is used for calculating discounts if The base UoM is selected in the Apply quantity discounts to field on the Price/discount settings tab of the Customer ledger preferences (AR101000) window. |
Disc. unit price |
The unit price after the discount percent has been applied. |
Discount series |
The ID of the discount series that has been applied to this line. The column is hidden by default and only available if the Customer and supplier discounts functionality is enabled in the Enable/disable functionalities (CS100000) window. |
Expense date | The date of the corresponding expense claim. |
External link
A read-only column displaying the external link for the line, collected from the corresponding sales order. |
Line no. |
The number of the item line on the invoice. |
Manual price |
A check box that indicates (if selected) that the unit price in this line has been corrected or specified manually. The system automatically selects
this check box for the line when you change the price in the
Unit price column. If you clear this check box, the system updates the unit price in the document line with the current price (if one is specified). |
Order line no. |
The number of the item line on the corresponding order. |
This tab contains information about the customer ledger account and subaccount
used in the document and the customer's VAT zone.
For a released customer ledger document, it also contains the reference to the batch that implements transactions.
Element | Description |
Batch no. |
The ID of the batch that updates the appropriate account balances with the amounts of the document transactions when the batch is posted. |
Branch | The branch with which this invoice or note is associated. |
Customer ledger account |
The liability account specified as the customer ledger account for the selected location of the customer. |
Customer ledger sub. |
The corresponding subaccount used for the customer. |
Original document |
If a credit note is currently selected in the top part of this window, this is the identifier of the document that was reversed with the credit note. If you click the link in this box, the current window opens with the details of the reversed document. |
Element | Description |
Payment method |
The payment method that the customer will use to pay the document. |
Description |
The identifier or description of the customer’s payment method. |
Cash account |
The cash account associated with the payment method. |
Payment ref. no |
The reference number of the payment. |
Apply overdue charges |
A check box that indicates (if selected) that the system will calculate overdue
charges for this document. The check box is displayed after the document is released if the Apply overdue charges check box is selected for the selected customer in the Customers (AR303000) window. |
Here you can enter a short message of alphanumeric characters. |
Element | Description |
Customer VAT zone |
The Customer VAT zone is by default set to the
VAT zone associated with the selected location of the customer. If no VAT zone is specified for the customer location, the customer VAT zone is the VAT zone assigned to the selling branch. You can override the default value. |
Element | Description |
Work group ID |
The work group associated with the document, if any. |
Owner |
The employee who owns (is responsible for) the document. |
Element | Description |
Start date |
The start date of the invoice period |
End date |
The end date of the invoice period |
Element | Description |
Accounting cost ref. | A textual value that specifies where to book the relevant data into the Buyer's financial accounts. |
Originator document ref. | The identification of the call for tender or lot the invoice relates to. |
Contract document ref. | The identification of a contract. |
Customer project | The project number requested by the customer. When a project number is entered in this field, it will replace the internal project number when sending to AutoInvoicefor VismaXML and PEPPOL BIS. When nothing is filled in, the internal project number will be sent to AutoInvoice. |
This section is only available if the Dunning letter management functionality is enabled in the Enable/disable functionalities (CS100000) window.
Element | Description |
Dunning letter date |
The date of the last released dunning letter in which the document was listed. |
Dunning level |
The dunning level of the document. |
Revoked |
A check box that indicates (if selected) that the document is excluded from the
dunning process. The field is displayed if the By document option is selected in the Dunning process field on the Dunning settings tab of the Customer ledger preferences (AR101000) window. |
This section is only available if the document contains at least one tax that has the Reduces taxable amount on early payment option selected in the Cash discount field in the VAT (TX205000) window and if the document has a non-zero cash discount amount.
The elements in this section display the calculated amounts if the document is paid during the cash discount period and a cash discount is applied to the document.
Element | Description |
Discounted doc. total |
The document total, which has been discounted due to the cash discount being applied; this occurs when the document has been paid within the cash discount period. |
Discounted taxable total |
The taxable amount, which has been discounted due to the cash discount being applied to the document. |
VAT on discounted price |
The VAT amount, which is calculated based on the price to which the cash discount has been applied. |
This tab displays the invoicing address of the customer and the contact information for invoicing purposes.
The Override address and Override contact check boxes on this tab are selected by default if the Invoice to default location check box is not selected in the Customers (AR303000) window, the Delivery settings tab, for this customer.
Element | Description |
Override address |
A check box you select to specify an invoice address other than the default invoice address of the customer. When this check box is cleared, the invoice address to be used for this customer is the same as the default invoice address of the customer. |
Address 1 |
The first line of the invoice address. |
Address 2 |
The second line of the invoice address. |
Address 3 |
The third line of the invoice address. |
Postcode |
The postcode for the invoicing address. An input mask for the postcode can be set in the Countries/counties/postcodes (CS20400S) window. |
City |
The city of the customer's invoice address. |
Country |
The customer's country. |
County |
The state or province of the customer. |
Element | Description |
Override contact |
A check box you select to specify contact info other than the default contact information of the customer. When this check box is cleared, the contact info to be used for this customer is the same as the default contact information of the customer. |
Business name |
The name of the business. |
Attention |
The department or person to be noted on the attention line, if this line is used by your company. |
The email address of the contact person. |
Phone 1 |
The phone number of the contact person. |
Element | Description |
Printed |
A check box that indicates (if selected) that the document was printed. |
Emailed |
A check box that indicates (if selected) that the document was emailed. |
Do not print |
A check box that indicates (if selected) that printing of this document is not
mandatory for further processing and the document is not included in
the list of documents available for mass-printing in the Send invoices (AR508000) window. The default value of this setting depends on the value of the Print invoices check box in the Customers (AR303000) window. |
Do not email |
A check box that indicates (if selected) that emailing of this document is not
mandatory for further processing and the document is not included
into the list of documents available for mass-emailing in the Send invoices (AR508000) window. The default value of this setting depends on the value of the Send invoices by email check box in the Customers (AR303000) window. |
Element | Description |
Show description on order confirmation and invoice |
Select this check box to show the text in the Invoice text field on the invoice, and, if applicable, the sales order confirmation. |
Print note on external sales documents |
Select this check box to print a note on external sales documents. |
Print note on internal sales documents |
Select this check box to print a note on internal sales documents. |
In this tab you find the AutoInvoice sending information. Here, you also find the invoice response message, if you have activated this functionality in the AutoInvoice settings (CS10250S) window, and the customer has activated this from their side. For more information, see: About invoice response messages.
Element | Description |
Sent to AutoInvoice |
A check box that indicates (if selected) that the document was sent to AutoInvoice. |
Send to AutoInvoice |
A check box that indicates (if selected) that the document will be sent to AutoInvoice. |
Sending method |
Indicates which path the AutoInvoice was sent by: Standard or Consumer. |
AutoInvoice status |
Shows the status of processing. Available statuses are:
AutoInvoice sent by |
Shows how the invoice was sent. Possible values are:
Business level status |
The status of the invoice as sent by the customer. It can be one of the following:
To get the current status, click the Actions button and select Poll invoice status. |
Reason code | The reason given by the customer to clarify the business level status. This text is predefined, see this status clarification reason list![]() |
Reason | Text entered manually by the customer. |
Action code | The action the customer wants you to take for this invoice. This text is predefined, see this status clarification action list![]() |
Action | Text entered manually by the customer. |
The table on this tab contains information related to the VAT to be paid on the invoice.
table is filled out automatically for the invoice or note when you click
Column | Description |
The ID of the VAT applied to the document. |
Description | The description of the VAT ID in clear language. |
VAT rate |
The rate of the VAT. |
Taxable amount |
The taxable amount for the VAT, which is calculated at the document level. |
VAT amount |
The VAT amount for the specific VAT, which is calculated at the document level. |
Reverse VAT |
A check box that indicates (if selected) that this is a reverse VAT. |
Statistical VAT |
A check box that indicates (if selected) that this VAT will be calculated only for statistical purposes. Or, will be reported only, but not actually paid. |
Pending VAT |
A check box that indicates (if selected) that this VAT is pending and will be recognised after completing the VAT recognition process. |
Include in VAT exempt total |
A check box that indicates (if selected) that this VAT has a zero rate and is used to calculate a document subtotal that is actually exempt from VAT. |
VAT type |
The type of the VAT, which can be one of the following:
This tab displays the commissions that can be calculated for the document.
To calculate commissions, use the
Calculate commissions (AR505500) window.
The tab is available if the Commissions functionality is enabled in the Enable/disable functionalities (CS100000) window.
Element | Description |
Default salesperson |
The ID of a salesperson to be used by default for each invoice line. By default, it is a salesperson associated with the selected location of the customer. |
Total commissionable |
The total amount used to calculate commissions for all salespersons involved. |
Commission amt. |
The total amount of commissions on the document. |
This tab has a table showing the Document- and Group-level discounts that were
applied to the document.
The Line-level discounts applied to the document (if
any) are shown on the Document details tab.
This tab is only available if the Customer and supplier discounts functionality is enabled in the Enable/disable functionalities (CS100000) window.
Column | Description |
Skip discount |
A check box that you select to cancel a Group- or
Document-level discount for the document. Selecting the check box updates the total and the line amounts of the document but does not remove the record of the cancelled discount from the table. |
Discount code |
The ID (code) of the discount applied to the document automatically or manually. |
Series ID |
The ID of the discount series applied to the document. |
Type | The type of discount whose series was applied to the document. |
Manual discount |
A check box that indicates (if selected) that the discount shown
in this row has been applied manually. The discount was selected from the Group- or Document-level discounts for which the Manual check box is selected in the Discount codes (AR209000) window. |
Discountable amt. |
The amount used as a base for discount calculation if the discount is defined as based on the amount. |
Discountable qty. |
The quantity used as a base for discount calculation if the discount is defined as based on the item quantity. |
Discount amt. |
The amount of the discount. |
Discount percent |
The discount percent if by definition the discount is calculated as a percentage. |
Free item |
The item ID of the free item if one is specified by the discount applied to the document. |
Free item qty. |
The quantity of the free item to be added as the discount. |
Order type |
The type of order. |
Order no. |
The order number. |
The content of this tab depends on the type of the document selected in the top part.
If a document with the Invoice, Debit note, or Overdue charge
type and the Open or Closed status is selected, this tab displays the
list of customer ledger payments that have been applied to the document.
invoices and debit notes with the Balanced status, the tab displays the list
of open payments or credit notes (if any) that can be applied to the document.
can specify the exact amount to be paid with each document or click the
Apply automatically button in the table toolbar to let the system
to decide how to pay the invoice.
The specified applications are applied when you
release the invoice.
If a document with the Credit note type and the Open or Closed
status is selected, the tab displays the list of customer ledger invoices, debit
notes, and overdue charges the selected credit note is applied to.
For credit notes
with the Balanced status, you can specify invoices, debit notes, and overdue
charges to which this credit note is applied when you release it.
You add documents
for application by adding a row to the table and selecting the document type and
reference number.
The system automatically fills in the Amount
paid field with the possible value, but you can change this value for
each added document.
The specified applications are applied when you release the
credit note.
Button | Description |
View payment | Opens the Customer payments (AR302000) window in a pop-up window so that you can view the document details or application, depending on the document type. |
Apply automatically |
Automatically applies the available payments to the document.
The button is displayed if the Invoice type is selected in the top part. |
Column | Description |
Doc. type |
The type of payment document that was applied. |
Reference no. | The reference number of the document. When you click this number, the Sales invoices (AR301000) or Customer payments (AR302000) window opens in a pop-up window, depending on the document type, so that you can view the document details. |
Customer |
The ID of the customer account. |
Amount paid |
The amount that was actually paid which is displayed in the currency of the document that is selected in the window. |
Cash discount taken |
The amount of the cash discount that was deducted from the invoice amount in case the invoice was paid during the cash discount period. |
Payment date |
The date of the payment application. |
Balance |
The balance of the document after the payment was applied. |
Invoice text |
The description of the payment document. |
Currency | The currency of the payment document. |
Payment period |
The period to which the payment transactions are posted. |
Payment ref. |
The reference number used by the customer on its payment document. |
Status | The status of the payment document. |
VAT adjustment |
A check box automatically selected by the system if the customer ledger document specified in this row is subject to VAT adjustment. |
VAT credit note |
The reference number of the VAT credit note generated in the
Generate VAT on cash discount (AR504500) window for the customer ledger document specified in this row. This reference number is specified by the system automatically once the VAT credit note is generated. |
Column | Description |
Document type |
The type of the document that was applied. |
Reference no. |
The reference number of the applied document. By clicking this number, the document details window opens. |
Customer |
The ID of the customer account. |
Amount paid |
The amount that was actually paid which is displayed in the currency of the document that is selected in the window. |
Date | The date of the document. |
Balance |
The balance of the document after the credit note was applied. |
Invoice text |
The description of the document. |
Currency | The currency of the document. |
Post period |
The period to which the document transactions are posted. |
Customer order |
A reference to a document of the customer, such as a purchase order number (for informational purposes). |
Status | The status of the document. |
This tab is displayed when you select the ROT or RUT deductible document check box in the top part of this window.
Element | Description |
Distribute automatically
(check box) |
When this check box is selected, the amount will be distributed equally among the specified personal IDs. |
(check box) |
Select this option if the work is related to RUT (cleaning, maintenance, laundry) deduction. |
(check box) |
Select this check box if the work is related to ROT (repairs, conversion, extension) deduction. When you select this, you need to fill in either the Property field, or the Apartment and Corporate ID fields. |
Apartment | The apartment number. |
Property | The property number. |
Corporate ID | The housing cooperative's ID. |
Here you can add the person(s) who will receive the tax deduction.
Column | Description |
Personal ID (YYYYMMDDNNNN) | The personal ID in the format YYYYMMDDNNNN. |
Amount | The amount distributed to this person. If the Distribute automatically check box is not selected, you can edit this field and manually distribute the amount among the personal IDs. |
Over 65 | A check box that you select to indicate that this person is over 65 years old. This is not done automatically. |
Elemant | Description |
Total deductible amount | The total amount that is tax deductible. |
Other cost | The total amount for items of the Other cost type, including VAT. |
Material cost | The total amount for items of the Material cost type, including VAT. |
Work price | The total price of labour hours (items of the Service type), including VAT. This is the amount eligible for tax deduction. |
Distributed amount or Undistributed amount
When the Distribute automatically check box is selected, this will display the total amount distributed among the specified personal IDs. When the Distribute automatically check box is not selected, this will display the amount still to be distributed manually among the specified personal IDs. |
This section appears after the invoice is balanced, which is either after releasing the invoice or when sending the claim, depending on your setting for Balance invoices on on the ROT and RUT settings (Sweden) tab in the Organisations (CS101500) or Branches (CS102000) window. You can also invoke the balancing of invoices manually by using the Balance action in the Claim ROT and RUT (AR531000) window.
Element | Description |
Balancing credit note ref. no. | The automatically created balancing credit note to the customer, with the deductible amount. You can click the link to view the document. |
Balancing debit note ref. no. | The automatically created balancing debit note to Skatteverket (The Swedish Tax Agency), with the deductible amount. You can click the link to view the document. |
Button | Description |
View file | Opens the File maintenance (SM202510) window. |
Column | Description |
Send the file to AutoInvoice | The selected files will be attached to the invoice. |
Name | The name of the attachment. |
Created by | The person who added the attachment. |
Creation time | The date and time the attachment was created. |
Comment | Shows the comment that you can enter in the File maintenance (SM202510) window. |
File size | The size of the attached file. |
Related reports
Customer documents (detailed) (AR622000)
Unreleased transactions (detailed) (AR610500)
Unreleased transactions (AR611000)
Related concepts
About types of customer ledger documents
About sales VAT on sales orders and invoices
About correction of a released invoice
Manage parent-child relationships - overview
About setting up parent-child relationships
About credit policy application
About schedules for recurring documents
Process customer ledger documents - overview
About invoice response messages
About suggested sales accounts
About suggested VAT categories
Related tasks
Check sent email status for AutoInvoice
Email an invoice from preview in a report
Email an invoice or a credit note
Email an invoice to an unregistered contact
Pay a specific outstanding document
Register an invoice for ROT and RUT work
Release and pay an invoice for ROT and RUT work
Send one invoice to AutoInvoice
Correct a released sales invoice
Apply a credit note to open documents
Related windows