Which tax forms are available in Visma Skatt & Bokslut Pro?

From Year end closing - Tax forms you can find the tax forms available for the type of company you are using.

You fill in the supporting documents for the forms either directly from Year end closing - Tax calculation or by adding and then filling in the appendices under Tax appendices. It is the final result that is displayed under Year-end closing - Tax forms . It is thus not possible to edit the forms directly.

Forms for limited companies/economic associations/ housing cooperative associations

  • INK2 - Tax return
  • INK2R - Account scheme
  • INK2S - Tax adjustments
  • K10 – Qualified shares in close companies
  • N3B - Participation in trading partnerships
  • N4 - Deferment business activity
  • N7 - Takeover of funds
  • N8 - Deduction for forest property/natural assets
  • N9 - Limitation of interest deduction
  • Taxable profit/loss for genuine housing cooperative associations

For more information on each form, see the section Tax forms

Forms for natural person/sole proprietorship

  • INK1 - Tax return
  • K2- Deferment - Real estate
  • K4 Sale of securities
  • K5 - Sale of small house
  • K6 - Sale of cooperative apartment
  • K7 - Sale of commercial property
  • K10 – Qualified shares in close companies
  • K11 - Investor deduction
  • K12 - Unqualified shares in unlisted companies
  • K15A - Divestment in trading partnership
  • NE - Income from business activities
  • N3A - Participation in trading partnerships
  • NEA - Income from several businesses
  • N7 - Takeover of funds
  • N8 - Deduction for forest property/natural assets
  • T1 - Earned income - income with social contributions
  • T2 - Earned income - income from hobby et c

In addition to these, there are also calculation appendices, which are used as an aid to calculations and are not submitted to the tax authorities:

  • Tax value of real estate

  • Forest account/forest damage account

For more information on each form, see the section Tax forms for private individuals

Tax forms for trading partnerships and limited partnerships

  • INK4 - Tax return
  • INK4DU - Partner information
  • INK4S - Tax adjustments
  • K10 – Qualified shares in close companies
  • N3B - Participation in trading partnerships
  • N4 - Deferment business activity
  • N7 - Takeover of funds
  • N8 - Deduction for forest property/natural assets
  • N9 - Limitation of interest deduction

For more information on each form, see the section Tax forms

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