Basis for tax return for private individuals

In Year-end closing - Basis for tax return, you will find everything you need in order to prepare a correct basis for the tax return.

Built-in tax return check

You can at any time check your tax return for common errors and inconsistencies by selecting the Tax return check button .
If the check detects anything, it is displayed as either an error or a warning with an explanation. By selecting Go to check, you can navigate directly to the basis to complete, correct or update the information.
The tax return check is available from theTax calculation, Annual report and Tax forms sections. It will also be automatically run when opening the submission page.

Tax return INK1

In this section, the natural person’s earned income and capital income are specified, as well as their property fee/property tax and tax reductions. On the Basic information page, selections for the applicable municipal tax rate are made. Read more in the topic Tax return INK1.

Under Tax calculation - Tax return INK1 - Basic information, you can upload the pre-printed files Income tax return 1 (INK1), Specification to income tax return and Preliminary tax calculation from Skatteverket They will then automatically fill in your pre-printed data under the different pages and sections of Tax return INK1.

Note that some information is not possible to fetch and needs to be entered manually. This applies to:

  • Municipal tax
  • Burial fee
  • Church tax
  • Paid preliminary taxes (on the Tax arrears/refund page)
  • Unemployment insurance fund (A-kassa) fees

As certain fields on the income tax return are divided into several sub-fields in the program, we have chosen to transfer amounts to the most common field. It is especially important to adjust the field Sum salary, benefits, sickness allowance etc. (1.1) if the amount also consists of sickness benefit, unemployment insurance or income-related sickness and activity allowance.

A way to troubleshoot differences and detect any errors in the tax calculation can be to add the values to the Skatteverket's Calculate tax service.

The pre-printed income tax return can be found on Mina sidor on the Swedish Tax Agency's website. You find the income tax return as a pdf on the page Taxes and tax returns. Remember that you as a declaration agent can also log in and download the income tax return.

Please note that the pre-printed declaration will not be available until some time in March.

If you get an error message when you try to upload your pre-printed INK1 from Skatteverket, see the topic I get an error message when I try to upload the pre-printed declaration?..

Sole proprietorship

Select this tab to make adjustment of the company’s profit/loss according to Swedish tax regulations. In this section, you also prepare the bases for interest allocation and expansion fund, as well as make a selection for profit/loss planning. Read more in the topic Sole proprietorship:.

Tax appendices

Under Tax appendices you can create appendices that transfer information to the Sole proprietorship and Tax return INK1 tab. Read more in the topic Tax return attachments.

Tax computation

In this section, the final tax and the calculations behind it are displayed. The values in this section are based on the selections made and the values entered under both previous tabs. Read more in the topic Tax computation.

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