Sole proprietorship:

Under Year-end closing - Basis for tax return - Tax adjustments you make adjustments to the company’s profit/loss according to the Swedish tax regulations. Here, you also prepare the bases for interest allocation and expansion fund, as well as make a selection for profit/loss planning.

The Calculations view to the left contains the sections where you enter information and make adjustments:

Click on each of these sections to enter information or make adjustments in the view to the right. Mark as done by clicking on the status icons in the Done column. The adjustments made will affect Result after adjustments and Surplus/Deficit.

Under Calculations - Profit/loss planning, the selected option for profit/loss planning is displayed, along with the values for Result after adjustments and Surplus/Deficit. As you enter information and make adjustments for the different sections in the view to the right, these values are recalculated. Click on Profit/loss planning to view a more detailed overview of the Surplus/Deficit for the year.

When an input field in this section corresponds with an input field on the NE tax form, the entered value will be transferred to this form. The NE tax form is found in Year-end closing - Tax forms.

The calculated value for surplus/deficit is transferred to the line Active business income or Passive business income under the Tax computation tab.

How fields work in Visma Skatt & Bokslut Pro

White fields are for manual input of values. Grey fields contain values generated by the system or taken from elsewhere in the programme.

Values in grey fields can usually be changed by clicking on the menu icon that appears when you hover over the field and select Override amount. When an amount has been changed, the field is highlighted in yellow. To restore the value, hold the pointer over the field again, click on the menu icon and select Reset. Click on the image below to view:

Input fields. Here you enter the values yourself:

Calculated fields or fields where values are taken from elsewhere in the program:

A field where the amount has been changed manually:

View linked accounts

Some grey fields contain values linked to other accounts at the reference account level. These links are managed under Maintenance - Chart of Accounts.

To view the linked accounts, hover over the field and select Show accounts from the menu that appears. If there are mapped accounts without balances, you can include those as well by marking the checkbox Include mapped accounts without balances in the dialogue box that opens. Click on the image below to see what it looks like:

Read more about reference accounts, chart of accounts and how to change accounts in the topic Chart of accounts.

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