Create a new checklist template

This topic is for you who work with Visma Skatt & Bokslut Pro as an accounting office.

  1. Select Administration - Templates - Templates for checklists.
  2. Select New template.
  3. Name the template.
  4. Select if you want to base your template on either Customer type or Customer.

For Customer type, you can select either Limited company, Economic association, Housing cooperative association or Sole proprietorship.
Depending on what type of customer you select, you will get different sets of checklists. The list of checklists is grouped by program part and is displayed in the Preview screen to the right.

If you select Customer you will get the same customer type as on the customer. The default checklists that was created on the customer will be included in the template.

  1. Select Save.

When you have created a template the next step is to set the checklists to include in the template and what customers it should be used for. To edit a template, you click the template name or the Edit pen icon in the template list. A screen is displayed with the tabs Checklists and Customers.

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