Getting Started



Start page

The start page of Visma Skatt & Bokslut Pro gives you an overview of the status of the reconciliation. You can quickly see how much of the reconciliation that is done, and how much is left to do. It is also where you import new accounting data from Visma eEkonomi or from a SIE4 file, where you lock the reconciliation periods and where you run the auto checks.

The start page may have different looks, depending on the active company type and reconciliation period.

If you are using Visma Skatt & Bokslut Pro as an accounting office, the period overview will by default show the relevant periods according to your current licence (period or year). With the Show all periods toggle, you can switch and display other periods if they are available. If you are using Visma Skatt & Bokslut Pro as a single company, year-end closing is always active and you choose to whether to work with periods or not in the start guide or under Maintenance - Customer information.

If the company type is Private individual, the reconciliation period will always be Year. This feature is only available if you are using the service via Visma Advisor.

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