News in Visma Skatt & Bokslut Pro

 September 2024

Customer request

Now you can see the tax arrears/refund directly in the profit/loss planning!

We have added a section directly below the profit/loss planning to clarify the overall tax calculation for the company. You can see all the options' final tax, preliminary tax and tax arrears/refund immediately without having to switch pages for each option. Previously, you had to go into the tax calculation to see any tax arrears/refunds, but now you see it directly on the profit planning page. Get rid of some unnecessary clicks while making the program clearer!

Refunds are shown in blue and tax arrears in red and minus signs. The change applies to limited companies and economic associations and for financial years ending after 31 December 2023.

Profit/loss planning

New functionality

New calculation appendix - Depreciation deduction - buildings/land improvements

As of P4 2024, the program can help you calculate depreciation deductions on buildings and land improvements. The new calculation appendix will help you calculate this year's depreciation deduction and keep track of previous years' deductions. You can make calculations for several buildings/facilities. The result will be displayed on the Summary tab and transferred to the appropriate field on the INK2S, INK4S or NE tax forms, depending on the type of company. If you do not want to transfer the data automatically, you can of course switch this off.

Depreciation deduction - (sole proprietorship)

Depreciation deduction - buildings/land improvements (limited companies and economic associations)

Depreciation deduction - buildings/land improvements (trading associations)

Legal update

Support for taxation period 2024-P4

In the year-end period we now support all financial/calender years year until 2024-12-31. The tax forms have been updated with the current forms for taxation period 2024-P4. This applies to limited companies, housing cooperative associations, economic associations, trading- and limited partnerships.

Other improvements:

Extended link between tax form N9 (deduction limitation) and INK2R fields 3.18/3.16 and INK4R fields 3.16/3.14.

When is the next period open for declaration/annual report?

Customer request

Changes in the General annual meeting protocol

On the page Annual general meeting protocol - Basis, we have divided the name fields into First name and Last name. This is to ensure that the names match the names on the Signatures page.

Under Decision on the auditor, we have also added a new role - Deputy auditor as well as a selection for Name of the accounting office and the Main responsible.

Annual general meeting protocol
