Overview, reconciliation BS

Reconciliation BS - Overview is located under both Period closing and Year-end closing.

The overview in Reconciliation BS lists all the balance accounts that have transactions recorded on them up to and including the period that you are currently working with.

The columns that are shown differ depending on the size of the screen that you are working on. On a smaller screen, only the most important columns are shown.

You can select what columns to display in Reconciliation BS and Analysis IS by selecting Hide/Add columns in the upper part of the screen. The settings are saved per company and are applied to all periods.

To reset to default settings, select Reset columns to default selection.

Expand the level of detail in the Reconciliation BS

You can expand the level of detail in Reconciliation BS - Overview by drilling down to the journal entries recorded on the accounts.

Amounts that are available for drill-down are underlined and will change their colour to blue when you hover over them in the overview. Click on an amount available for drill-down to open a dialogue named Account analysis, which displays all the journal entries attached to that specific account.

The account analysis opens in a new browser window. This makes it possible to have one or several account analysis windows open at the same time and still continue to work in the program. You can move the window around, even to a second screen.

When the main window is closed, all sub-windows will be closed as well.

When the accounting includes cost centers, cost centre items or projects, they will be displayed when the journal entries are expanded. Note that it's only the 4 first dimensions that are displayed.

In Account analysis, the opening balance for the selected account and period is shown above the journal entry list, while the closing balance for the selected account and period is displayed at the bottom of the list.

The journal entry list contains entry date and number, along with the current change, the closing balance after each journal entry and a transaction text.

From within Account analysis, it is possible to select a different account in the account selector in the top left. You can also adjust the period displayed in the period selector in the top right.

Click on the arrow next to a journal entry in the list to expand it and display a more detailed view of that particular entry. This view contains the debit and credit accounts, the booked amounts and the transaction text.

View attachments in the account analysis

To view an attachment to a journal entry in the account analysis, click on the paper clip icon in the Attachments column. Choose which document you want to preview in the dialogue box that opens.

In the preview window, you can download the attached document by clicking on the Download button and then easily drag it into an external appendix. It is also possible to create a new external appendix, to which the document is automatically linked by selecting Add to appendix in viewing mode.

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