VAT reconciliation

The module for VAT reconciliation is found under VAT & fees - VAT in the reconciliation balance sheet. It is automatically updated with accounting data imported to Visma Skatt & Bokslut Pro.

The module for VAT reconciliation in Visma Skatt & Bokslut Pro consists of the same sections and rows that are used in VAT report of the Skatteverket. It is automatically updated with the accounting data imported to the program, and gives you a good overview of the registered VAT, the VAT reported to Skatteverket, and possible differences between the registered and the reported amounts. You will also find information about transfers to the account for VAT settlement, and payments and/or repayments made.

The reconciliation appendix VAT specification is created automatically from the VAT reconciliation as default.

You can use it for continuous reconciliation, as well as reconciliation at year-end.

You can also set what accounts to be included in the VAT reconciliation. Read more in Add and delete accounts in VAT report.

The VAT reconciliation is based on the usage of account 2650 for VAT settlement.

Select a VAT period

Before you get started, you need to select a VAT period. This is done at the top of the left hand panel. You can choose between Monthly, Quarterly and Yearly. Month is the default option. If you choose monthly VAT reconciliation, one column for each month is created. If you choose quarterly VAT reconciliation, one column for Jan-Mar, one column for Apr-Jun, and so on, are created.

Changing VAT periods during an ongoing financial year

It is possible to change VAT periods during an ongoing financial year, even when the previous reconciliation months are locked.

Please note the following when changing the VAT period:

  • Previous reconciliation periods are not affected by the change.
  • Manually added values from previous VAT periods will not be copied to the new VAT period.
  • It is not possible to change the VAT period in locked reconciliation periods.

Upload VAT file from Skatteverket

By uploading the reciept or summary from Skatteverket to Visma Skatt & Bokslut Pro, you automatically populate the VAT report for the period you are working with. The periods and amounts from the file will be matched to the corresponding fields in the report. For the receipt, the program will also verify that the corporate identity number of the client company is correct.

First, you need to download the file in pdf-format from Skatteverket's Mina sidor to your computer. You do this by finding the receipt or summary under VAT - Submitted VAT declarations, select Print and then Save as PDF.

The procedure to create a pdf can differ somewhat, depending on your environment.

Example of how the file can look like:

All fieds used in the VAT-report will be automatically populated when you do an import. Only the Payment (-) / repayment (+) and Payment date fields must be entered manually.

  1. Select Upload files from Skatteverket.
  2. Select the downloaded pdf from Skatteverket and select Open.

The values will be updated and saved automatically.

  1. Select Save.

The uploaded file is saved as an external appendix to the client account, linked to reference account 2650.

The structure of the VAT reconciliation

The module for VAT reconciliation consists of different sections with numbered rows. This is the same structure that is used in Skatteverkets VAT report.

Which accounts are mapped to which rows?

In Visma Skatt & Bokslut Pro, client accounts are connected to reference accounts. Each row in the VAT reconciliation is mapped to one or more reference accounts, which in turn determine which one of the client accounts that are displayed under each row. Only accounts with registered transactions are displayed.

Click on a row to view its underlying accounts.

There is a default mapping between the rows in the VAT report and their underlying accounts. If you want to make adjustments to this, you can do it by adding and removing accounts for each row. Read more in Add and delete accounts in VAT report.

Sometimes differences occur in the appendices for VAT or employer contributions between what was bookkept and declared. This is because corrections are made in the period when the error occurred and the bookkeeping is corrected when the error was discovered.

This difference cannot be easily fixed at the moment, but the easiest workaround is to keep the difference and add a comment where you explain the reason why it occured.

Display transactions

It is possible to display the journal entries that are registered on the accounts in the VAT reconciliation. Underlined amounts are clickable and when you click on one of those, the Account analysis dialogue is opened. In this dialogue, all of the transactions that have been registered on the account are listed.

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