How Visma Skatt & Bokslut Pro interacts with other products

Visma Advisor


Visma Skatt & Bokslut Pro


Visma eAccounting

Customer tasks

Resource planning

Time registration


  Customer details

Accounting data

  Accounting data

Checklist/checkpoint updated:

  • BS accounts marked as done
  • IS accounts marked as done
  Reconcile accounts
Reconcile VAT and fees
  • Account receivable ledger
  • Accounts payable ledger
  • Accrued income
  • Accrued expenses
  • Allocations and dormant VAT
  • Dormant input VAT
  • Dormant output VAT
  • Doubtful debt
  • Fixed assets
    Create closing entries   This year's result

checkpoints are updated:

  • Lock/unlock period
  Lock period   Lock period/year
    Adjust taxes    
    Profit/loss planning    
    Tax appendices    
    Financial statements    
    Create annual report    

checkpoints are updated:

  • Anunal report marked as complete
  Check and submit the annual report    

checkpoints are updated:

  • Tax forms marked as complete
  • Tax return - Submitted to Skatteverket for signing
  • Tax return - Signed at Skatteverket
  Check and submit tax forms    

Related topics

Search words: intergration, other software, integrations, api, eaccounting, advisor