Automatically generated appendices

Appendices created automatically on import

Visma Skatt & Bokslut Pro generates some appendices automatically, when you have an integration with Visma eEkonomi. This means that the amount in the column Reconciliation amount in the overview is automatically filled in and an appendix is added when you import accounting data from Visma eEkonomi.

The following appendices are automatically generated:

  • Account receivable ledger
  • Accounts payable ledger
  • Accrued income
  • Accrued expenses
  • Allocations and dormant VAT
  • Dormant input VAT
  • Dormant output VAT
  • Doubtful debt
  • Fixed assets

If you have deleted an appendix that were automatically created, you can recreate it by doing a new import from Visma eEkonomi.

Appendices created automatically upon selection in the profit/loss planning

If you have entered values for booked costs that are not deductible or income that should not be recorded in the taxable profit under Tax calculation - Tax adjustments, the reconciliation appendices Non-deductible recorded costs and/or Non-taxable recorded revenue will be created automatically when a selection is made in the profit/loss planning.

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