
The checklist helps you to document the work you have done and they are a crucial part of the quality process as they offer an effective means of streamlining and communicating what needs to be done and what has been accomplished. Under the tab Checklist in the side panel, the task list for the account group that is selected in the overview is shown. You can also open the checklist by clicking on its icon in the overview.

To add a comment to a task, click on the row or on the comment icon in the Actions column and enter your comment. See Comments for further information on how to add, edit and delete comments.

To mark a task as done, click on the check mark in the Actions column. Click on the check mark again to undo this action. When a task has been marked as done, the column Checklist status will be updated in the overview.

A task can be marked as N/A, which means that it is not applicable for this period. The marking will be removed when you start the next period.

You can modify the checklist to show only the tasks you want. Click on Edit checklist in the bottom of the side panel to do this. In this view, you can choose which tasks are active and if you want them active only for the period reconciliation, year-end reconciliation or both.

You can add your own tasks to the checklist. This is also done in the Edit checklist view. The tasks you add yourself can be activated and deactivated in the same way as the standard tasks, and can also be deleted. The tasks that you have added yourself have a blue icon in the task list so that they can be easily identified.

If you are working as an accounting office, you can set up and use templates for checklists. Then you can save a set of checklists as a template to be used for multiple clients, saving a significant amount of time as you won't have to set up the checklists individually for each of your clients. Read more in the topic Templates for checklists.

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