Tax on return (only limited companies)

You create a sub-appendix by pressing the paperclip icon from Reconciliation BS - Overview or Reconciliation BS - Appendices.

Employers who makes provisions for pensions are required by section 5 of the Act of respecting retirement pensions to pay a tax on return on the amount.

If you have an opening balance in an account linked to this appendix, you should add a line to the main appendix where you specify the opening balance separately as this amount is not included in the reconciliation amount from the tax appendix.

This is to prevent a difference in the year-end period when we make the rebooking to tax account 2510.

Link to tax form INK2

The basis for taxation is automatically transferred to the correct field in the INK2 form in the Tax forms section.

Link to the appendix Summary of the year's tax liabilitiy/claim

When the appendix Summary of the year's tax liabilitiy/claim is created in the year-end period, the Total Tax on return is retrieved from the tax on return appendix and the Calculated tax on return field is filled in automatically.

Read more in the topic Summary of the years tax liability/claim.

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