Visma Skatt & Bokslut Pro
Basic information
In this section, personal information that is transferred to the tax form INK1, as well as data that is required for the tax computation to be correct, are specified.
Mark the section as done by clicking on the status icon the Done column, found in the Calculations view.
Personal information
Go through and verify that the information is accurate. See the field explanations below for a more detailed description of the different input fields.
Tax rate etc.
In order for the tax computation to be accurate, you must specify the correct tax rates for municipal tax, church tax and burial fee. If you do not change any information, the program will use 32 percent as municipal tax.
Residing in Sweden part of the year
In order for the basic deduction to be calculated correctly, you need to specify whether the person immigrated or emigrated during the year. If the answer is yes, then you must state how many of the year's months the person has been residing in Sweden. Part of a month is counted as a full month. Do not change to Yes if the person has been residing in Sweden during the whole year.
Under Tax calculation - Tax return INK1 - Basic information, you can upload the pre-printed files Income tax return 1 (INK1), Specification to income tax return and Preliminary tax calculation from Skatteverket They will then automatically fill in your pre-printed data under the different pages and sections of Tax return INK1.
Note that some information is not possible to fetch and needs to be entered manually. This applies to:
- Municipal tax
- Burial fee
- Church tax
- Paid preliminary taxes (on the Tax arrears/refund page)
- Unemployment insurance fund (A-kassa) fees
As certain fields on the income tax return are divided into several sub-fields in the program, we have chosen to transfer amounts to the most common field. It is especially important to adjust the field Sum salary, benefits, sickness allowance etc. (1.1) if the amount also consists of sickness benefit, unemployment insurance or income-related sickness and activity allowance.
A way to troubleshoot differences and detect any errors in the tax calculation can be to add the values to the Skatteverket's Calculate tax service.
The pre-printed income tax return can be found on Mina sidor on the Swedish Tax Agency's website. You find the income tax return as a pdf on the page Taxes and tax returns.
Please note that the pre-printed declaration will not be available until some time in March.
If you get an error message when you try to upload your pre-printed INK1 from Skatteverket, see the topic I get an error message when I try to upload the pre-printed declaration?..
Personal information
It is the name of the company that is retrieved from Visma Advisor and transferred to Maintenance - Customer information, so in order for the information on the INK1 tax form to be correct, you must enter the name of the private individual in this field.
This data is retrieved from Maintenance - Customer information.
The year of birth is suggested based on the value that was entered in the field Personal identity number (co-ordination number/GD number). If the person has a GD number, 1930 will be suggested as the year of birth, since the GD number starts at 30. If so, you must enter the person's year of birth manually in this field.
If the person has died, this is specified by selecting Yes in this field. If so, the Year of death field also appears. It is important to state the correct year of death, considering that it affects the basic deduction and the state income tax.