Match transactions

In the Process bank transactions (CA306000) window, you can match the transactions imported from a bank statement to transactions recorded to the bank account maintained in your system.

  1. Go to the Process bank transactions (CA306000) window.
  2. In the Cash account field, select the bank account.
    The Bank transactions to match table displays all the not-yet-processed bank transactions that have been uploaded to the selected cash account.
  3. Click Match automatically in the window toolbar.

    The system performs matching by calculating the relevance factor for pairs of transactions.
    For each transaction in the table, if the system finds a transaction for which the relevance factor exceeds the built-in threshold, this transaction will have the Matched check box selected and will be displayed on either the Match to invoices tab or the Match to payments tab.
    If the system finds multiple transactions with large relevance factors but none with a relevance factor greater than the threshold, these transactions will be displayed as possible matches. The system may find no matching transactions.

    If you have configured rules for document creation in the Bank transaction rules (CA204500) window, the system will apply all the active rules to the transactions for which a match was not found during the matching process.

  4. Review the transactions for which the system has selected the check box in the column of the Bank transactions to match table.
    If you are not satisfied with the results, you can clear the match for the selected transaction by clicking the Unmatch button in the table toolbar.
  5. For each transaction in the Bank transactions to match table for which the check box in the column has not been selected (or cleared), do one of the following:
    • If there are matching documents in the table of the Match to payments tab, try to find a match for this bank transaction from the suggested payments.
      Compare the payee name on the transaction, which you can find in the Payee name column (which is hidden by default), because the names of the same customer may be recorded differently in the bank statement and in your system.
      he transaction code, which you can find in the Trans. code column (which is also hidden by default) may reveal the payment method.
      Also, the transaction date may be outside the date range allowed for payment delay due to unexpected factors.
      Select the Matched check box for the payment that is the closest match.
    • If there are matching transactions in the table of the Match to invoices tab, try to find a match for this bank transaction from the suggested invoices. Use the matching hints described for matching to payments.
      Select the Matched check box of the document row that you consider to be the best match. You specify the settings to create the payment for the invoice in the system on the Match to invoice tab.
      When you process the imported transaction, the system will create the payment based on the specified settings and immediately apply it to the matched invoice.
    • If there are no matching transactions, consider creating a document or multiple documents to match to the transaction in the bank statement, see: Create a new payment or document.
      Also, you can specify open invoices which this payment should be applied to.
  6. Click .
    You can perform matching in as many sessions as you need. You can save your work at any time and continue later.
  7. If you have finished matching transactions, review the results and click Process in the window toolbar to initiate the processing of matched transactions and transactions for which details of a new document were specified that result in clearing of the documents.

After you have processed the bank transactions for the selected cash account, you may proceed to reconciliation.