Budget configuration (GL205000)

This topic gives you information about the elements that you find in this window in Visma.net ERP, such as fields, field values, buttons, and check boxes.

You use this window to create a budget structure for your organisation or to view and modify the existing budget structure.

The budget structure is represented by a tree that consists of budget articles. Some of the budget articles are leaves, and some are nodes.
Each budget article that is a leaf is defined by an account-subaccount pair. Each budget article that is a node contains leaves, other nodes, or leaves and nodes.
The budget articles, whether they are leaves or nodes, listed within a node, are also referred to as subarticles.
For more information on budget structures, see: Budget structure example.

When you create a budget by using the Budget (GL302010) window, you specify the amounts for only budget articles that are leaves.
The amount for each budget article that is a node is calculated automatically as the sum of the article's subarticles.