Visma Net
General ledger windows - overview
On the menu of Visma Net, the windows are grouped into workspace items on the left hand side of the screen. Each item contains a workspace with tiles and categories. This topic follows the listing of the category items in the General ledger workspace.
Trial balance summary (GL63200S) report: Displays the account balances for the period.
Trial balance detailed (GL632500): For the selected period, displays the balances of the accounts, detailed to subaccounts.
Transactions for period (GL633000): Displays the list of transactions that occurred during the specified period.
Transactions for account (GL633500): Shows activities on the account and under the specified subaccount during the range of periods.
All unreleased documents (GL65601S):
Budgets (GL612001): Displays the list of budget articles with their requested and released amounts in the selected ledger for the specified branch and for the specified financial year.
Unreleased transactions summary (GL61150S): Displays the list of transactions that were entered but not released during the specified financial period.
Unreleased transactions (detailed) (GL610500): Shows transactions entered but not released for different accounts during the specified period (or all open periods).
Unreleased transactions account distribution (GL61100S): Displays the list of transactions, with their details, that were entered but not released during the specified financial period.
Unreleased transactions account distribution (currency) (GL61120S):
General ledger register (GL62050S): Displays the list of all the batches released and posted to General Ledger during the specified financial period.
General ledger register (detailed) (GL62100S): Displays the list of all the batches released and posted to General Ledger during the specified financial period. Batch details include accounts, subaccounts, currency, and amounts.
Recurring transactions (GL641500): Displays a schedule or the list of schedules created for recurring transactions.
Recurring transactions (detailed) (GL640500): Displays the details of a schedule or schedules to which recurring transactions are assigned.
Journal transactions list (GL63302S):
Reversing batches (GL690010): Displays the list of reversing batches with their details which have been generated for the selected batch.
Balance sheet specification/Open entries (GL63309S):
Audit transaction list (GL63303S)
Transactions with external codes (GL63304S):
Balance sheet (GL634000): Displays the company's balance sheet as of the start of the specified financial period. Assets are shown against liabilities.
Profit and loss (GL635000): Displays your company's profits and losses for the specified period in period-to-date and year-to-date amounts, versus the period-to-date and year-to-date amounts of the previous year as calculated for the same date.
Balance sheet - detailed (GL63401S): Displays the company's balance sheet by quarter. Assets are shown against liabilities.
Balance sheet - quarterly (GL634500): Displays the company's balance sheet by quarter. Assets are shown against liabilities.
Balance sheet - quarterly (detailed) (GL63451S): Displays the company's balance sheet by quarter. Assets are shown against liabilities.
Profit and loss (detailed) (GL63501S):
Profit and loss - quarterly (detailed) (GL63551S): Displays your company's profits and losses in year-to-date amounts for each quarter.