Budget (GL302010)

This topic gives you information about the elements that you find in this window in Visma.net ERP, such as fields, field values, buttons, and check boxes.

You use this window to create new budgets or to view and update existing budgets. Each budget should be saved in a dedicated ledger of the Budget type.

If no budget tree has been configured in your system in the Budget configuration (GL205000) window, you can create only single-level budgets.

To be able to create hierarchical budgets, you should configure the budget tree first.

A single-level budget is a list of budget articles, each of which is defined by an account-subaccount pair with the amount.
You can enter the amounts manually, import them from a file, or calculate the amounts when you load budget articles from the actual ledger or other budgets.

A hierarchical budget (one that is based on the budget tree configured in the Budget configuration (GL205000) window) includes budget articles of two types: leaves and nodes.

  • A budget article that is a leaf, is defined by an account-subaccount pair.
  • A budget article that is a node, may contain node-type articles and leaf-type budget articles.

You can enter the amount for each budget article that is a leaf, but you cannot enter the amount for any article that is a node.
The amount for each node article is calculated automatically as a sum of all sub-articles of this node.

The budget articles that were loaded with the budget tree cannot be removed from a particular budget.