Import count data from Excel

In the Stocktaking review window, you can import count data from Excel spreadsheets (.xlsx files).


Review the Excel spreadsheets with the count results and correct any errors in the counted quantities.

The import count data process

  1. Go to the Stocktaking review (IN305000) window.
  2. In the Ref. no. field, select the count you are participating in.
    It has the status Counting in progress.
  3. On the Stocktaking details tab, click .
  4. In the File upload dialog box, click Select file.
    Browse to the file with your count results and select it.
  5. Click Upload.
    The Common settings dialog box is displayed.
  6. In the Culture drop-down list, select the language of the file.
  7. In the Mode drop-down list, select Update existing.
  8. Click OK.
    The Columns dialog box is displayed.
  9. Map each column from the file to a column in the window, as follows:

    • In the Column name column, select a column in the uploaded file.
    • In the Property name column, select a column to update from the columns available.
  10. Click OK.
  11. Review the values in the Physical quantity and Variance quantity columns.
  12. Click .
The data import can take some time. A spinning wheel icon in the toolbar shows that the import is in progress. When this changes to a green check mark icon, the import is completed successfully.