What is included if I activate a collaboration in Visma eEkonomi Fakturering?

A collaboration in Visma eEkonomi Fakturering is suitable when a client wishes to handle invoicing themselves, but wants to avoid handling the bookkeeping on their own. Here, the accounting office can offer the customer an invoicing service that also works on mobile devices. Advice and reconciliations can be easily managed directly through the service. The customer also has the option to add features such as quotes, orders, time tracking, and electronic invoicing.

When activating a collaboration in Visma eEkonomi Fakturering your client will also have access to Visma Scanner and Visma Ekonomiöversikt. These services makes it easier to share information such as receipts and invoices and financial information in a more secure way. It will also make your work a lot easier.

As an accountant, you will still be working in Visma eEkonomi Pro, even if your client now can create their invoices in Visma eEkonomi Fakturering. If the client's needs will change you can easily upgrade to another variant.

In Vilken variant av Visma eEkonomi ska jag välja? , you'll get a comprehensive overview of the features included in each version of Visma eEkonomi.

Read more in Activate collaboration in Visma eEkonomi from Visma Advisor.

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