Set due date for checkpoints

You can set a due date for each checkpoint and checkpoint period for your tasks. The easiest way to do this is via the customer list.

  1. Click on Customers in the main menu.
  2. Click on the customer that you want to set checkpoint due dates for.
  3. Click on the Tasks tab.

If there are no tasks shown, you first need to add the task. See Connect task to customer for more information.

  1. Click on the Cogwheel to the far right and click the task you want to set checkpoint due dates for.

One, twelve or 52 checkpoint periods are shown in the list, depending on the task period you have selected (year, month or week). Select the alternative relevant to you:

You can also add due dates via the Checklists menu.

Related topics

Set due date on a checkpoint for several customers at the same time
Reuse due dates and inactive periods on checkpoints
Mark your tasks/checkpoints as completed