Create and release an invoice

  1. Go to the Sales invoices (AR301000) window.

  2. If necessary, click to add a new document.
    In the Type field, Invoice is always the default choice.
  3. In the Customer field, select the customer.
    Most fields are filled in with the information on the specific customer.
  4. Enter the general invoice information in the upper part of the window. The fields marked with * are mandatory.
  5. On the Document details tab, add the invoice lines.
    1. Click to add a new invoice line.
    2. Optional: Enter the Item ID.
    3. Enter any relevant information for each line. For example: Quantity, amount, discount, account and sub-account.
      Some fields are filled in automatically.

If you are using AutoInvoice to send invoices, the Transactions description is mandatory.

  1. Continue with the other tabs and enter the relevant information.
  2. Click .
  3. Optional: Select Reports - Preview invoice/note to preview the invoice.
  4. Click Release.
    Once the invoice is released, the status changes to Open and is displayed.
  5. Optional: If the Print invoices check box is selected in the Customers (AR303000) window, click Reports - Print invoice/note to print the invoice.
    See: Print an invoice