Work with price per transaction

These are step-by-step instructions for working on tasks with price per transaction- from task and customer settings to working with time registration, invoicing and follow-up.


Define activities for time registration

In Settings - Tasks you can edit the tasks that come with the program and you can also add your own. You can specify which activities you want to use for time registration of a task. Specify whether each activity will be used for price per hour or transaction. In this case, select Price per transaction.


Add a new task

Connect task to customer

Editing task for several customers at the same time


Pricing the activities in the price lists

You can price activities in the price list once you have created a task. Price lists are created in Settings - Price lists. Here you can price the activities on the Price per transaction tab. Specify the price per transaction and how long each transaction is estimated to take.

Pricing of a customer task

Add a new period facing a price change

Edit a period in a price list

Edit settings for a price list


Select a price list for a customer

Once you have created your price lists, you will be able to select them for customers in the customer register. You can specify that one of your price lists is to be used as a standard price list. This means it will be selected automatically when a new customer is created.

To simplify things, limit the number of price lists you create. Maintaining and updating fewer lists is easier to handle.

Link a price list to a customer


Add tasks to a customer

On the Tasks tab in the customer register, you can add the tasks the agency performs for the customer.

Connect task to customer



Select type of pricing for the task

On the Pricing tab in the customer register, you can add the pricing that will be applied for each task. In this case, select Price per transaction.

Pricing of a customer task


Time registration, invoicing and follow-up

You can now start to register time per customer, task and activity. If you select an activity with the Price per transaction setting, specify the time worked and the number of transactions. The estimated time per transaction given in the price list is used in conjunction with time registration in order to calculate and save chargeable time for the registration. The chargeable time per time registration is calculated by multiplying the number of transactions by the estimated time per transaction. Once the registration is included on the invoice basis, the hours are considered as invoiced instead. The hours are used later when calculating the utilization ratio per employee.

You also have the option to register hours to be invoiced in addition to the agreed price per transaction. You can then select an activity in the time registration dialog that has the Price per hour setting and thereafter select the box Chargeable time in addition to number of transactions. The Chargeable time field is displayed and you can register the number of hours you wish to invoice the customer. The price is taken from the price list linked to the customer.

Pricing of a customer task

Invoice basis for different pricing

Description of program reports


Change from price per hour to fixed price

You have a price per hour pricing task for a customer and you have time registrations entered on a later date than the Valid from date of the fixed price, the time registrations made will now be automatically moved to the new pricing.

Read more on how you change the pricing in Change pricing of a customer task.