Collaborate with your customers via Smarta Byrån

This is Smarta Byrån

Smarta Byrån is the name of a accounting package that Visma Spcs offer new accounting offices.

With this package you will have all the tools that will help you work efficiently with accounting and it will also provide a platform where you can collaborate with your customers. You pay monthly and you only for the services you use.

How to buy Smarta Byrån

You can contact our accounting office's sales department and book a counselling. They can help you to get started and you can contact them via mail - or by calling 0470-70 61 60.

This is included in Smarta Byrån

In this package you will have access to Visma Advisor, where you will get an overview of your customers and collaborations,

Bookkeeping and invoicing is available via Visma eEkonomi and to get an overview of your company's finances you can use Visma Ekonomiöversikt Start.

For financial statements and taxation, you will have access to Visma Skatt & Bokslut Pro.

Other Visma Spcs services can be added for a monthly fee, according to what you wish to include in the package. Read more here.

This is how it works

You can invite your customers to collaborations using other Visma Spcs services. This means you share the same service, and you no longer need to manually send data back and forth. Both parties have access to the same information immediately. Together, you decide how to set up the collaboration. Watch this movie Bjud in till samarbete från Visma Advisor (in Swedish), to see how it works. And in the movie Acceptera samarbete, you can see how it will look like when a customer receives an invitation for a collaboration.

When activating the service Årsavslut, you will also be able to download and install Visma Skatt and Visma Bokslut. This means that you via Smarta Byrån can create tax forms, end of financial year and annual reports for your customers with type of businesses that currently not yet is supported in Årsavslut.

Visma Skatt and Visma Bokslut can be downloaded here.

The locally installed programs can be started via Visma Advisor Connect. Read more about how to install and use the program here (in Swedish).

Visma services that you can collaborate in are:

Note that you have to activate both Periodavslut and Årsavslut separately. If your customer is a natural person, labelled in Visma Advisor as a Private person, you can only activate Årsavslut for the customer.
In the help for Visma Lön Smart you have a great work routine on how to get started. Read more in Kom igång som byrå i Visma Lön Smart - Bli effektiv med dina kunder!

You activate a collaboration service from Visma Advisor.
Under Settings - Customer - Collaborations, you can see which customers the agency has a collaboration with. Here you can link "unlinked" collaborations to the right service and task.

Related topics

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