Collaborate with your customers via Visma Advisor

Activate a collaboration service from Visma Advisor

From Visma Advisor, you can invite your customers to collaborations using other Visma services. This means you share the same service, and you no longer need to manually send data back and forth. Both parties have access to the same information immediately. Together, you decide how to set up the collaboration.

Watch this movie Bjud in till samarbete från Visma Advisor (in Swedish), to see how it works. And in the movie Acceptera samarbete, you can see how it will look like when a customer receives an invitation for a collaboration.

Working with Smarta Byrån? Read more in Collaborate with your customers via Smarta Byrån.

Under Settings - Customer - Collaborations, you can see which customers the agency has a collaboration with. Here you can link "unlinked" collaborations to the right service and task. This is necessary if you have created collaborations in Visma Byråstöd and now begin to work with Visma Advisor.

Terms and conditions for your customers when activating a service

When a customer is not a registered customer of Visma Spcs

When you activate a service the following will happen:

  • Your customer will be added as a customer of Visma Spcs.
  • The contact details will be registered at and the registered contact person will be given access to the services that are included in the collaboration. A mail with login instructions will be sent to the contact person.
  • The accounting office employees who are working on the assignment, will be given access to the account, at, and the services that are included in the collaboration.
  • The company may receive information from Visma Spcs related to the services.

When a customer is already a customer of Visma Spcs

When you activate the collaboration, the following will happen:

  • The customer will receive an e-mail where they have to accept your invitation.

  • The company will have access to the services included in the collaboration. An email with information will be sent to the administrators of the customer's account at
  • The accounting office employees who are working on the assignment, will be given access to the account at, and the services that are included in the collaboration.
  • The company may receive information from Visma Spcs related to the services.

Related topics

Getting started with collaborations in Visma Advisor
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Activate Visma Skatt & Bokslut Pro from within Visma Advisor
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Show/edit/end active collaborations