Main appendices

When importing accounting data, either from Visma eEkonomi or from a SIE4 file, main appendices are automatically created for all account groups. The purpose of the main appendix is to give an overview and a summary of the entire account group including all underlying values and is therefore not possible to delete. You can add notes and amounts directly on the main appendix or create sub appendices. Any connected sub appendix will then be automatically summarised on the main appendix. If a reconciliation difference occurs, you can create a closing entry by clicking on the blue icon in the column Reconciliation difference.

If you have manually added rows on a main appendix, you can copy these to the next period. The default setting copies the data to the next period. However, you can choose not to copy the data by changing the setting at the bottom of the screen. The setting you choose is kept for future periods until you change it. The data is transferred to the next period when you start it. If you change the setting in a locked period, the changes will not be transferred to the next, already started, period.

Transfer of information between periods and years

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