Mina tjänster
Change administrator in Mina tjänster
In Mina tjänster you can change the person who is administrator. You can only change the role if you have the administrator rights. If a person who is administrator in Mina tjänster is going to leave your company, we recommend you to do this before the person leaves.

- Log in to My Services.
- Click on your company name.
- Choose Users.
- Choose the person who is currently administrator.
If that person also is Main contact, you need to assign a new main contact for the company before you can change the role. The person who is assigned to be main contact is automatically given the role Administrator.
- Change Role in My services to User.
The person will now be logged out and next time they log in, they will have the new role as User.

When this happens, the person authorized to sign for the company have to contact us and fill out a form, where they order this service. Note that you have to sign the form digitally.
- Go to Frequently asked questions on Visma Spcs page Avtal och Abonnemang and follow the instructions under Hur ändrar jag inloggning/administratör till Mina tjänster?