Mina tjänster
Change email address
In Mina tjänster you can change your email address.
Note that it is only the current user that can change their email address in the menu under My user profile.
- Log in to My services.
- Click on your company's name in the top right corner.
- Select My user profile.
- Click the pencil in the upper right hand corner.
The window will open in edit mode.
- Click on the link Change email address.
- Enter your current password and the new email address.
- Change email address and choose Confirm new email address.
An email will be sent to the new email address in order to confirm that you have changed it.
- Log in to My services.
- Click on your company's name in the top right corner.
- Select Users and the user you wish to change email address for.
- Enter the new email address.
- Enter your password to My Services.
A mail will be sent to the new email address, for confirming the change. When confirming the change, the user will be asked to enter the password that is connected to the users log in to My Services.
- The user now has to log in to Mina tjänster with the new email address and their password.