Visma Advisor
Getting started with Visma Advisor - User
Before you start
What you can access and see in Visma Advisor is depending on what user rights your administrator has given you. There are user rights for the following program features: Settings, Customers, Times and outlays, Invoicing, Resource planning, Reports
Your agency's administrator should have performed a general risk assessment in Advisor KYC. When you perform a KYC-report before you on board new customers will be greatly facilitated. Read more in Work with general risk assessment in Advisor KYC and Work with customer knowledge in Advisor KYC.
Add your customers
Go through the wizard that you will find under Customers in the main menu to add customer information. |
Add the tasks for the customer and add task owner and participants. Either you do this via the wizard when adding a new customer or in the tab Tasks. | |
Add pricing for the tasks. Either you do this via the wizard when adding a new customer or via the tab Pricing. |
Perform a KYC (Know Your Customer) to ascertain your customer's identity, before creating any engagement letter or committing to onboard the customer. If you for some reason decide to not onboard a customer, that you consider as suspicious, this should be reported to Finanspolisen. |
Create an engagement letter. Outline the scope of work to be performed, the responsibilities of each party, the expected time lines, and the fees associated with the services provided. |
Activate collaborations
Activate collaborations with your customers. This means you share the same service, and you no longer need to manually send data back and forth. Both parties have access to the same information immediately. As a user you can always start a collaboration, but editing or ending a collaboration means that you need to have full user rights for customers in Visma Advisor and an Administrator role for the service in Mina tjänster.
If you have a collaboration it's nice to include the convenient Start services short cut on My Startpage! This will help you to find and reach the customers services with fewer clicks. How do I add that? Just click the button Add chart and select Start services.
Time registrations and outlays
You register time continuously on the tasks and activities you perform for the customer. In this way you can ensure all the hours are available when it comes to invoicing. There are several ways to register time, manually or via the Start and Stop feature. Read and learn more in the topics below.
Register time via start and stop functions
Register time manually via Time registration icon
Register time manually via day and week mode
Register outlays
You can link an outlay to a customer and task and also determine whether or not it is to be invoiced. Outlays marked for invoicing will be included when you create an invoice basis for the customer. You can also register outlays that is not to be invoiced.
Get an overview with checklist
The Checklists function provides you with a clear overview of your customer tasks. You will be able to see statuses, follow up your tasks and make sure they have been completed and when it was completed.
If you have a collaboration in Visma eEkonomi
If you invoice
If you will have the user rights to create invoices, we've gathered some topics to help you get going.
Congratulations! By now you should have received the getting started help to be able to start working in Visma Advisor. But there are still some nice features to know about that you can benefit from. Please continue to read...
My start page - your page
My start page can be beneficial when you start your workday. It's equipped with various graphs, a notice board and practical features such as Task summaries and To-do notes. Furthermore, you can personalize the page by selecting your preferred options and arranging them as you wish.
Routines - a great way to find information
If your administrator has added routines, this can facilitate the everyday work for you. Here you can find information about, for example, how customers should be administered, what to think about before inviting a customer to a collaboration, etc. Simply a great tool that will answer a lot of questions, even when your colleagues are busy.
Are you looking for how to get started as an administrator in Visma Advisor? Then here it is Getting started with Visma Advisor - Administrator